Tuesday, January 28, 2014


"And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark..." Genesis 8:1a

The floodgates opened, just as God had said they would.  There they were, Noah and his family and all the animals that God had instructed him to bring onto the ark...together, stuck on that boat!  Not for days, not for weeks, but months!  Over a year actually. 

But they were on the boat.  God remembered Noah.  In obedience and faith Noah built the ark "to the saving of his family".   All those that scoffed at it were lost in the deluge. 

Some days I find myself whining about some situation Rog and I are dealing with, whether it's at home with the farm, at the church, a family concern, or our job at the ranch.  Sometimes I am fearful and anxious about how something will turn out.  Satan would have me think we're all stuck on this boat and it's gonna go down!

But it's not.  God's got this. 

"and God made a wind to pass over the earth and the waters asswaged," Gen. 8:1b

Asswaged!  Is that an awesome word? (Gotta love the KJV)  The wind blew, and the waters began to recede.  Emphasis on began.  The waters did not disappear overnight.  They had to ride it out for quite some time.  But when the wind blew something began to happen.  Even before they could see evidence of the waters going down, it was.  They did not know where they would eventually land, but Noah was confident it would be safe and completely dry! 

I can have that same confidence.  God is that way.  He begins working and I don't often see it or recognize any change.  But it soon becomes clear that He is definitely at work.  I just have to be patient and "ride it out", knowing that I will safely land. 

God remembers. 

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