Sunday, December 12, 2010

It was just another day.

How is it that one day can be so full? Ups and downs, ins and outs, highs and lows, joys on one hand, stresses on the other! Because that’s what makes life what it is I suppose; moments that become hours, hours that are full, with joy one minute and stresses the next; they delight one minute, and demand and drain the next, only to end up one long day.

I love days like today when I talk to all our sons. Even though we talk to each of them often, it has been a while since I talked to all of them in the same day. I had thoughts of our grandson Gabriel Ethan today. It was his 4th birthday. He had a joke to tell Poppy when we talked to him. I had thoughts of our newest grandchildren…praying for Emma, wanting to see Josie, wondering how Dan, Steph and the kids were doing now that they were home from the hospital with Lily. And then finding that Becca is having contractions and really feeling like it may not be too much longer before Ellie makes her appearance! Then Elisha calls, and though he’s talking a mile a minute I manage to catch a few words about opening his present, and winning his game, and I know they received their Christmas package. I hear my message ringtone and pick up my phone to see a picture of Ephraim with his Christmas present. Across the miles, over the phone, snatches of pure delight filled some of this day’s moments.

The activities of the day filled the rest, from routine chores to Christmas play practice. And now that the house is quiet, the activities are over, and it’s time to be able to rest, well, I’m awake with a busy mind and tired body! That’s how it goes some evenings. Letting the end catch up with the beginning I guess.

Jesus said He is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last (Rev. 1:8,11), and I am so glad. Because there are often moments in the day when I don’t know the end from the beginning, or which end is up! But to know Him is enough. Whether the moment is bringing delight or I’m thinking the demons of hell must have been loosed, Jesus is enough. I just have to grab a moment, and in my mind step into a quiet place, breathe deeply, and remember…He is enough. It’s in that moment my mind and strength is renewed and I move forward not necessarily knowing how the day will end but confident that He has already gone before me. And moment by moment, hour by hour, days like this one are becoming a wonderful lifetime.

“ And Isaac gave up the ghost, and died, and was gathered unto his people, [being] old and full of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him” Genesis 35:29.

I want my days to be full, and my life full of days.


Pamela Roth said...

Thank you for yet another gem! God is filling our days and we will and must remember he is the One who numbers them and fills them to overflowing. Praises to the Great I AM

Louise J. Richmond said...

Angela thanks for the blog. It touched my heart and made me realize what a wonderful life. I have with all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Even though I am alone I always have God with me so really I am never alone. Praise God.

Nicole Sheranko said...

Your thoughts are a retreat for many of us to visit...and revisit. I so look forward to taking your words, tucking them away, and retrieving them when I need them most. Thank you for sharing...Love you.