We’re here, and I can’t escape the overwhelming feeling of having come home. It’s as if it belongs to me, and my heart swells with gratitude for the chance to experience the beauty and meaning of it once again. It will hold even greater significance now, as our last-born takes for himself his bride in this enchanting place later today.
There’s a piece of me here, part of my heritage. Thanks to my parents who loved it and wanted us to know and love it too, I grew up coming here. It was truly an escape at times, from the hectic pace of the very busy and stressed life my parents led. But because of health issues, my dad would often need the relief that the ocean breezes and salt air could provide. So, Mom would get us up in the middle of the night, throw us with blankets and pillows into the station wagon, and off we would go. Just as we crossed the bridge onto the narrow strip of barrier isle, we’d roll the windows down and breathe in the salty air. For Daddy, he would immediately be able to breathe freely, maybe for the first time in weeks, and the awful and sometimes debilitating headaches would begin to subside.
That sense of release and relief is the very feeling I get now when I come. I can see the power of God in the strength of the ocean swells. I hear the sound of gulls and feel the warmth of the sun, even on a chilly day. I enjoy the serenity of the sound as the sun sets on it, casting that fire-red glow across the glassy surface. There is both calm and storm, but peace none-the-less, and I think, is there any other place like it on the face of the earth?
I know others have their places too, at least I hope they do. But for now, this is mine. And I am so grateful. God is so good and forever faithful. Today, my husband of 29 years and I will start over. This day will be another anniversary. We have come full circle. Once again it will be just the two of us, and God has bestowed a bountiful harvest on us that continues to grow. It has been my dream since my late teens to raise a family. And now I have the wonderful joy of seeing that family blossom, each son now with a family of their own, Seth's beginning today.
And it begins here, at my beloved Outer Banks.
Hi there, it was so very wonderful to hear from you. I wish Becky and Seth a wonderful and happiness, as they start their life together as one. I give them my LOVE on this wonderful day. Miss Louise
hey friend....wish i could have been there!! you have an amazing family and i feel blessed to have been a witness to you raising your boys....you are a role model for me now as I travel down the "parenting" road!
miss you TONS!!!!v
Mrs. Harding,
I have been so touched by your posts, words cannot even describe. I have been trying to keep up with Josh and Christina's blog, and noticed they had a link to yours. I have been truly blessed ever since. It seems like Josh and I just graduated yesterday from Greater Beckley, and now we both have families of our own. My husband is now studying to get his Masters of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Seminary in NC, and we have 2 little boys. My how time flies. I remember what a wonderful teacher your husband was, and how he kept us flying right! Tell him thank you for me, and thank you for all your encouragement. It helps more than you'll ever know!
Jessica Lilly ( Randolph)
Well, I am now thinking of & missing the Adirondacks & the rocks down by Schroon Lake! That was my place early in the AM for a couple of years - I miss it!! So glad you could spend this time in the OBX. What a perfect place for a wedding! Love you!
Angela.. As I read this post and try to write I have tears in my eyes. Yes what a great place to have a wedding! The day was a true
gift from our Lord! We will also start a new and wonderful season of our lives together as Rebecca now leaves us and starts her adventure with the man God has placed in her life to complete her. Seth and she will go through the doors that God opens for them and the world will not always be a kind place to them. Knowing that the Lord our God in His might and soveriegity will be right there with them is what brings us the peace to let go and to TRUST in HIM ALONE!
We look forward to getting to know you and the rest of the family better in the years to come!
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