Saturday, May 24, 2008

Outer Banks

We’re here, and I can’t escape the overwhelming feeling of having come home. It’s as if it belongs to me, and my heart swells with gratitude for the chance to experience the beauty and meaning of it once again. It will hold even greater significance now, as our last-born takes for himself his bride in this enchanting place later today.

There’s a piece of me here, part of my heritage. Thanks to my parents who loved it and wanted us to know and love it too, I grew up coming here. It was truly an escape at times, from the hectic pace of the very busy and stressed life my parents led. But because of health issues, my dad would often need the relief that the ocean breezes and salt air could provide. So, Mom would get us up in the middle of the night, throw us with blankets and pillows into the station wagon, and off we would go. Just as we crossed the bridge onto the narrow strip of barrier isle, we’d roll the windows down and breathe in the salty air. For Daddy, he would immediately be able to breathe freely, maybe for the first time in weeks, and the awful and sometimes debilitating headaches would begin to subside.

That sense of release and relief is the very feeling I get now when I come. I can see the power of God in the strength of the ocean swells. I hear the sound of gulls and feel the warmth of the sun, even on a chilly day. I enjoy the serenity of the sound as the sun sets on it, casting that fire-red glow across the glassy surface. There is both calm and storm, but peace none-the-less, and I think, is there any other place like it on the face of the earth?

I know others have their places too, at least I hope they do. But for now, this is mine. And I am so grateful. God is so good and forever faithful. Today, my husband of 29 years and I will start over. This day will be another anniversary. We have come full circle. Once again it will be just the two of us, and God has bestowed a bountiful harvest on us that continues to grow. It has been my dream since my late teens to raise a family. And now I have the wonderful joy of seeing that family blossom, each son now with a family of their own, Seth's beginning today.

And it begins here, at my beloved Outer Banks.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's about the little things

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart." Proverbs 3:5

Over the years, I've come to understand and appreciate the beauty and great privilege that's mine to be able to trust God with the overwhelming challenges of life...sorrow, loss, heartbreak, financial crisis, sickness, betrayal, depression, life-changing decisions to make. But I often have to be reminded that I must be completely trusting Him also with the details and little things that crowd my life in the day-to-day routine. There are the split-second decisions that must be made with the kids or in the car; fatigue; frustration; a nagging sinus headache; the change of plans with the unexpected interruptions; waiting and waiting, and waiting at the doctor's office when another appointment is also on the schedule.

This then, is the beauty of it all; the Spirit of God at work in me on a daily basis, the joy and comfort of "praying without ceasing", the great wonder of the Scriptures that come to mind just when I need them, all wonderful gifts of God for me, His child. I have the privilege to trust Him. I have Him to trust.

"Trusting God turns problems into opportunities." ODB

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's an All-You-Can-Eat Spiritual Buffet!

Thoughts from Isaiah 55

“Ho everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not?”

On a day like today when I am so overwhelmed with things that need to be done - when I get tired just thinking about it, when I have difficulty even prioritizing and organizing my thoughts and plans to accomplish at least something…I need nourishment and lots of it. I would falter before I even begin, or make an even bigger mistake - plunge in head first and just do whatever I can in my own strength, only to end up spinning my wheels, frustrated, fatigued, and still overwhelmed at the end of the day.

But God’s promises are forever, and are upheld by His sure mercies (v.3). This is such a beautiful thought to me, and such a beautiful and comforting passage. It speaks of that which is only supplied and satisfied by the Holy One (v.5):

“the waters” - the Spirit of God living in me, flowing through me
as promised, enabling, strengthening,
giving joy; my very salvation;
“milk” - sustenance and nourishment of the Word, simple enough
even a a baby can be filled to fullness, and sweet to all;
“wine” - sweet fellowship with my Savior, and His people,
providing along the the way encouragement and
admonishment for my growth;
“bread” - Christ Himself, my all-in-all.

The Lord says, “hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness” (v. 2). It’s an all-you-can-eat spiritual buffet!! If I’m not eating and being nourished and strengthened it’s no one’s fault but my own.

“For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace.” Isaiah 55: 12a