Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day. Genesis 32:24 (nkjv)
When reading this narrative in Genesis 32, it is fascinating to understand that this ‘man’ that wrestled with Jacob was none other than the Lord Himself. And what’s more? It said the Lord came to Jacob, when he was alone, and wrestled with him all night long.
Jacob declared he had wrestled with God, seeing Him “face to face” (32:30); Jacob was told by this man he had wrestled with God…and man (the God-man, pre-incarnate Christ) and won (32:28). Jacob recognized he was wrestling with Someone who had the power and authority to bless him (32:26) and he would not let go until the blessing came.
Jacob was hanging on for dear life, wrestling with God for this blessing He desperately needed, and at the Lord’s touch Jacob was a changed person. He took away a couple of reminders of this change: a new name, and a new walk. He would from this point be called Israel; and he would have a limp, or halt, that would follow him for the rest of his life, a reminder of the Lord’s touch during the struggle.
Oh the moments, the seasons, I have wrestled with God, all the while not realizing He was wrestling with me. He has come to me in some of the most alone and desperate moments and just allowed me to grab hold, struggling and wrestling, yes. But holding on to Him knowing He would not let me go. I have questioned His will and His ways. I have wondered at His timing. Do these things that are weighing so heavily on me not concern Him? Why would He not intervene, bringing change in situations that, from my perspective, so desperately need it? His people suffer and are mistreated. Wrong is ignored, even championed and promoted as godly necessity. His work is negatively affected. It does not thrive, making a positive impact as it has the potential to do. Workplace bullying, spiritual abuse and intimidation, manipulation and control, unethical practices; these have no place in God’s work, yet I have witnessed it, experienced it…a travesty to the Gospel.
In these moments I am drawn back to the truth that I serve a great and good God. Just this morning in a favorite devotional I was reminded that He is Lord…over His creation, over His church, over everything (Jesus Always, Embracing Joy in His Presence; Sarah Young). He could certainly intervene, and in a powerful and miraculous way. And wouldn’t that be quite the experience? To see God at work in His great and glorious power, righting wrongs and injustices, providing vindication. And then, the Spirit of God quietly reminds me that Who He is, is far more glorious and awesome than any experiences I might have. And in saving me I have experienced the greatest and most amazing change He is capable of.
I must trust Him.
When these situations assault me I will dive deeper into His timeless Truths, allowing them to guide me and keep me focused; I will fervently and faithfully pray for all concerned and affected, including myself; I will commit to continue to serve Him and others as He gives me grace and opportunity. I will embrace the beauty of His healing and keep moving forward along the path He has for me. I will cling to Him, confident He is actually holding me.
And I know He will bless me, again.
Bless me with His sweet, comforting, healing Presence.
Bless me with continued growth and change by His Spirit.
Bless me with family and friends and community that are seeking the same things and can come alongside, supporting, encouraging.
Bless me with peace, peace in trusting Him, waiting on Him, knowing He will one day right all wrongs, provide eternal healing, and glory beyond understanding, even if I don’t get the immediate answers I am praying for.
Have you wrestled with God lately?
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