Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Up from the Dirt


“If things are tough, remember that every flower that ever bloomed had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there.”

I love this quote by Barbara Johnson. Remembering that the process matters as much as the end result is not always welcomed. But it is so necessary. Life is just as much about the journey as the destination. 

The challenge is enjoying the journey when the going gets rough. Where is the joy when life seems to be all uphill, throwing the unexpected and undesired at us like pop-up downpours in the spring? 

Determine you will look at that uphill climb and say, “Let’s do this, Lord!” I am more than a conqueror with you as my faithful Guide and Companion. Turn your face upward in the downpour and let Jesus wash over you with His peace and promises, not forgetting to praise Him in the turbulent times. He knows where you are. He knows what you need. That Truth often fades when the need is greatest. 

The beauty of flowers in bloom always makes me smile…when I stop to notice them. I especially love jonquils and other wildflowers. And rarely do I think about the seeds and bulbs under the pile of dirt BEFORE that beautiful bloom appears. I’m just lost in the end result…the colors, the shapes, the fragrance! 

Yes, we may feel at any given time we’re lost under a heavy clod of dirt just weighing us down. The weight of what we are carrying leaves us wondering when we’ll see the light of day and the pressure will lift.  But Jesus is in the process! He is the One that plants us where we’re supposed to be and cares for us. Don’t forget He is right there with you, giving you the strength to keep pushing your way up through the dirt. He sees the end result, the beauty in the struggle and the sweet fragrance He knows our lives will be —-if we can trust Him to do His work in and through us. If we can just trust His plan, His timing, His care, that He is ever growing us; that He can bring something beautiful and meaningful from it all. 

His presence on the journey makes all the difference. We are setting ourselves up for failure to try to go it on our own. Settle in on His promises. Embrace His peace. Trust His plan. The time to bloom again will come. 

We just have to trust Him while still in the dirt. 

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” Romans 8:28

Note: The pic is from Thanksgiving Point, Lehi, Utah. A gorgeous place to visit if you ever have the chance! A favorite place when visiting our son and his family living in Spanish Fork, UT.

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