When is the last time you stopped to gaze...at anything? I mean really took a moment to soak in the awe and beauty of….something? A softly falling snow. A wild daffodil smiling at the sun. A mountain mist. A wistful waterfall. A glowing red sky. An ocean swell.
Beauty all around us, but are you capturing it? Captivated by it? Or missing it?
“See beauty and we know it in the marrow, even if we have no words for it: Someone is behind it. Beauty Himself completes.” AnnVoskamp
The catch? We have to “see” it. To know genuine undeniable beauty, to know it in our bones so that it moves us and mesmerizes us...draws us to worship Beauty Himself, we have to see it. And there’s so much...so very much that gets in the way.
What’s keeping you from “seeing” clearly? What’s today’s death of distraction? A crying toddler that you can’t seem to console? A mountain of paperwork? Finances out of control? Relationship on the rocks? Does looking ahead look daunting?
Exhausted much? Mentally drained much? Disillusioned much?
Stop and smell the coffee. Stop and see the daffodils bobbing their bells in the breeze. Catch a glimpse of that bright, beautiful cardinal flitting through the tree branches, flashes of red in the gray. And remember, Jesus is there. Beauty Himself is there. You’re not alone.
I can’t explain how it makes a difference but it does. Maybe it’s because Beauty is so full of Love. And Love compels and completes.
The madness may not go away anytime soon. The paperwork will be waiting. The toddler will still be throwing a tantrum. The finances will always need attention. The relationship matters and requires work, lots of work.And the future couldn’t be more uncertain. But Jesus wants you to know He’s there, waiting for your wistful eye to cast it’s gaze upon Him and be stirred. Strengthened. Encouraged. Awed. Lifted above all the noise to a moment of immeasurable peace. A moment with Him.
“One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
To gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.”
Psalm 27:4
In a moment, the Maker can make your day with His unexplainable beauty.
Don’t miss it.
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