“So God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea.” Exodus 13:18
My husband and I determined a long time ago based on an understanding of God’s word and what He desires for us, that we would live by faith. And the wonderful thing? God makes His great and amazing grace available to enable us to do that in His strength, not our own. This means we commit to following in obedience as He guides and directs in the path our life takes. We just get to know Him better through His word and seek to live it out everyday, trusting Him completely. He does the rest.
The questions, however, still surface from time to time. “What in the world are you doing God?
Why this? Why now? Did you really mean this?” It’s not always easy to discern the specifics of His guidance, but if we wait and trust until He makes it clear..and He has His ways of doing that...He does make His path known for us to clearly follow. He uses time talking with Him (prayer) and listening to Him (reading/hearing/studying His word) to provide the guidance we ask Him for. Circumstances and situations, even conversations with others, will line up with how He is using His Word to teach and instruct and direct. The Spirit of God living in you will impress you with thoughts and ideas, nothing that would contradict His Word, but just quiet inner assurances of His leading, gentle proddings and promptings.
It was this process that led my husband and I most recently to make the decision to sell our farm. It’s our desire to just be available to minister unhindered, and with both the time and attention the farm demanded, and the financial burden it had become as our situation changed, it was now proving to be a hindrance. But why would the Lord direct us to purchase the farm, make the move to another county only to have us turn around and sell it, moving back to where we were before? Was that really His leading? We were confident of His leading when we had moved forward six years ago with the purchase or we would not have done it. And at the time, we could not have foreseen how much our situation would change in just six short years. Yet we do know God knew, and still He directed us to do it, just like He is impressing us to make the choices we are making now. And how would we know it would even sell as quickly as we would need it to? One step at a time...first, it was time to list.
The above passage in Exodus that details the deliverance of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt and the miraculous and astonishing Red Sea Crossing is just one example of how God has used His word to confirm His guidance and direction in our lives and the choices we are making. It was in reading it again that these nuggets of Truth made the profound impact on me that they did. Knowing we were earnestly seeking God about our situation, my youngest son sent me a link to a message by Tony Evans on “Divine Encounters”. The message was taken from this same passage in Exodus and he spoke about God leading the children of Israel into what appeared to be a trap. And of course that raises the question, as he explained, would God really do that to His children? Intentionally lead them into a no-win situation? A dangerous dilemma? A terrible storm? His answer was of course, yes! Because God was preparing and positioning them for a divine encounter with Him. He was going to make a way when there seemed to be no way. He was going to do something astounding. As I listened, then prayerfully read and studied the passage for myself, these are the lessons that loomed large before me and encouraged and strengthened my heart to see them again at this time.
- God in fact led them to the Red Sea and they had that divine encounter with God in an amazing way...but it wasn’t a “directly from point A to point B” path; no, He intentionally “led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea” (Exodus 13:18). Sometimes the roundabout way is the best way, and I prefer to call it “the scenic route”. But it’s the learning and growing and stretching route, and that’s not always comfortable. It takes longer. It’s not always the most convenient. It requires faith and patience. When we choose a scenic route while traveling it’s because we want to take the time to see the beauty along the way. Yet when God leads us along “the scenic route” when that’s not the way or time-frame we would necessarily choose, when it doesn’t seem to make sense, when it’s anything but beautiful...that can be exasperating! Well, it’s best to sit back, enjoy the journey, and choose to see the beauty along the way. Look for it. Use the time to rest in Him, wait patiently for Him, and trust that He is doing what He is doing...leading the way He is leading...for a VERY good reason, even though we may not understand it at the time.
- Long before this event, hundreds of years prior actually, Joseph had been sold into Egypt as a slave only to rise to power as Pharoah’s right-hand-man. God used this devastating, life-altering situation in Joseph’s life to in fact, bring the children of Israel into Egypt when they were just a single family, to save them and grow them into the nation they would become. When dying, Joseph looked forward in time and saw God once again leading the children of Israel out of Egypt back to the place they had come from. It probably didn’t make much sense to most, and the Israelites had grown comfortable and prosperous in Egypt during these years. But the very thing that brought them comfort and provision, over time eventually enslaved them. Moses was reminded of Joseph’s words, “God will certainly come to help you. When He does, you must take my bones with you from this place” (Exodus 13:19). Joseph did not say “if He does”, but rather, “when He does”. He was confident that the time in Egypt would only be temporary. One day they would make the return trip to their homeland and they would need the Lord’s help to do it. Joseph’s words reassured them they would have it. I find it fascinating that Joseph’s faith took him beyond his own lifespan, impacting future generations. Do you see the big picture, the eternal perspective? Our life is not just about the here and now, or just about us necessarily. How we are living our lives now, the choices we are making are impacting future generations and perhaps even the destiny of many that will come after us.
- The Lord brought about a great deliverance out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses. They were on their return journey, on their way home. God had made the way clear, and they were free. The Lord himself “went ahead of them, guided them and provided for them along the way” (Exodus 13:21). And then something strange happens. “Then the Lord gave these instructions to Moses: order the Israelites to turn back and camp...between Migdal and the sea. Pharoah will think...they are trapped in the wilderness! I will harden Pharoah’s heart and he will chase after you. I HAVE PLANNED THIS in order to display my glory through Pharoah and his whole army (Exodus 14:1-4). Wow. They were on their way and the Lord intentionally had them “turn back”. This was all His plan! The children of Israel were a part of God’s plan to show God’s glory to those that needed to see it. We would need to hear of this! This great display of God’s glory and power resounds through the ages, proclaiming the awesome authority of the Creator God over His creation and His enemies! So many lessons here...the enemy is no match for God’s power; when it looks like there are no options, there are always options with God...and there are others. But in this season, what I needed to see was that the Lord intentionally turned them back. Even if His plan for me includes some detours and backtracking, I need to stay in step! I don’t want to miss the glorious display of His power and provision for me.
4) Pharoah was not happy. The children of Israel were panicked and began lamenting about
how much better it would be if they had just remained slaves in Egypt. Admittedly, their plight
looked hopeless. “As Pharaoh approached, the people looked up and panicked when they
saw the Egyptians overtaking them. They cried out to the Lord, and they said to Moses, Why
did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us in
Egypt? Didn’t we tell you this would happen?” Wonder how Moses is feeling about now? In
verse 14:14, Moses speaks and says, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord
rescue you today...The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Famous last words,
right? Just stay calm! But in the Lord’s strength it’s possible! And did you take note in
reading this entire account that even the complainers, the panic-stricken, the
“I-told-you-so-ers”, they all got to go across the Red Sea on dry land. They chose to follow.
They may have been afraid. They had complained and second-guessed the decision to leave
Egypt. But they could not deny the walls of water they saw opening up before them. Even
feeble faith is honored and when exercised it can see some awesome things. So don’t wallow
in your failures. Don’t fear that your faith is too small. It’s not about that. It’s about Who your
faith is in. And the enemies of God? Those specific enemies were never to be seen again.
God dealt a mighty blow to them. Just as He intervened on behalf of the children of Israel,
stepping in and making a way, providing a miracle, He works on behalf of His children today.
He is battling the unseen for us, Jesus is interceding for us. His angels are protecting us on
every hand. And nothing happens to us apart from His divine knowledge and sovereign care,
or providential hand. Regardless of how relentless Satan’s attacks may be, Christ remains in
How important it is for God’s children to grow in their understanding and willingness to follow the Lord’s leading in their lives. Knowing how God guides and directs us is key to spiritual growth and maturity. But once we are aware and have that understanding, the next step is obedience...growing in our willingness to follow that leading, being sensitive to what He is doing or trying to accomplish in and through our lives at any given time. Obedience in turn leads to the abundant life of contentment, blessing, and most importantly, no regrets.
What does that look like in our everyday life? It means the choices we make each day are based on a knowledge of God’s word and a daily walk...a life lived...by faith. This means we won’t always be able to know the outcome ahead of time. It means things may change and look different than they did at first. It means options may not seem logical, or make much sense especially to others, much less ourselves. It means the eternal perspective bears more weight than this temporal existence does. It means there may be some sacrifice and suffering along the way, but following Jesus is worth it. Sometimes it can feel like we are just wandering in the wilderness of the unknown. Waiting can become a weariness if we lose sight of the fact there is purpose in “the roundabout way.” Everyone’s wait is different. We have been waiting for three years now to see where God is taking us with all of this. And this last year has been especially trying...sickness, personal loss, health issues, transition, financial adjustments. Knowing, really believing in the goodness and faithfulness of God, is sustaining us like we have seen Him do in the past and for countless others that have chosen to trust Him and follow His leading.
Don’t avoid the scenic route. Take it, and let Him wow you!
PS. The farm is under contract; trusting God with the outcome.
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