Thursday, April 11, 2013

Regrets, we all have them.

I opened my devotional this morning to read, “None of us can say that we have no regrets.”  Oh the weight of those words.  They ring so true.  Past sins, past failures, mistakes; words and actions we wish we could take back; things we wish now we had never done; things we wish we had done differently.  If we dwell on these things though, it can crush us, keep us discouraged and defeated as we try to live this life of faith. 

 But God…don’t you just love those words?  I do.  They are two that are most precious to me.

                But God who is rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4);

                But God meant it for good”( Ex 50:20);

                But God shall be with you” (Ex 48:21);

                But God is the strength of my life and my portion forever” (Ps 73:26);

                But God commended His love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners Christ
                                 died for us” (Rom 5:8);

                But God is faithful” (I Cor 10:13).


I can do nothing about my past regrets but give them to God in repentance and faith.  He promises to forgive and cleanse.  Yes there are often consequences to handle, “but God"!  He does not leave us to walk alone.  When others might say, “you made your bed now go lie in it!”, Jesus says, “take up your bed and walk!”  Living in regret will cripple. 

Instead of saying “if only”, get in the habit of saying “but God”!  He heals, He forgives, He restores!  Instead of allowing discouragement and defeat to keep you bound to the past, claim God’s promises for a bright and beautiful future. 

With Christ, life’s a beautiful thing!


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