All summer long I have fought to pick up the pen. There have been days I thought I would explode if I did not. I was wakened in the middle of the night with things on my heart and mind, but could not put them in words. It was back in May when I last posted, shortly after Ronnie was killed.
As May ran into June, my emotions for a while were much like those late Spring and early Summer days…very unpredictable. In the 15 years we’ve lived here in these West Virginia mountains I’ve learned one thing, the weather can and will change very quickly. I identified this year with the message of the seasons, to expect the unexpected. In just a short span of time I went from heartbreak to overwhelming joy, and several ranges in between.
Some days it was hard to think clearly. The days were rapidly racing by, and where was I? Somewhere on the sidelines trying to get a grip.
Just as each season offers its unique characteristic to savor and enjoy, each experience brings with it an opportunity to learn more, to love deeper, and to laugh often. And laugh I must, for “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” (Roger and I took an online stress test. His results: you are stress free for life, but you’re driving everyone else crazy! My results: you need medication NOW!! What do they know???)
As I look back over the last few months I am aware of just how fragile life really is. I am quieted when remembering how painful and yet how joyful the moments can be. I am amazed with my unchanging God and His faithfulness in my life and in the lives of many I cherish.
Ronnie’s mom, sister and nephew have been coming to church. We have seen several of our “ranch” guys trust Christ and after discipling, are ready to be baptized in October. We welcomed our 8th grandchild into the world, a miracle baby, after Rebecca experienced a 7-week long hospital stay. We have prayed and watched as God continues to keep His healing hand on little Ephraim Josiah, overcoming all odds against him; and on Seth and Rebecca with the challenges they have faced and continue to face with their precious gift. We also rejoiced with Brent and Tonia as little Naomi made her entrance shortly after Ephraim. Our nephew was here for the summer, and as quickly as he came, he returned home. Rog and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary with a few days away to reflect on the years and blessings, the children and now grandchildren, the friends…all that God has given us together. Even with the few heartaches along the way, it really has been a wonderful life.
We wrapped up the summer with school shopping for our 10 guys, and a week long “Ranch vacation” in a beautiful cabin on the Little Pigeon River in Pigeon Forge, TN.
Autumn quickly approaches now with its beauty and brisk weather, and I’m sure it will bring its own unexpected changes and challenges. When the world gets a little crazy as it can now and then, I will need a pleasant place to plant my feet and get a grip. Christ is both that Person and that Place. He is gently leading through the changing seasons.
“You are my hiding place.” Psalm 32: 7a
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