I'm amazed each year how the messages of Christmas seem to find me exactly where I am in my needy place. As I read it with a prayerful heart in anticipation, He opens my eyes to the wonder of it all, all over again.
As I open my heart, the Lord speaks ever so gently. It may be the simple but bold message “do not be afraid”. It may be the message of Immanuel, God with us, assurance of His promise to always be with me. It has been about seeing the wise men find Jesus, going home differently than they came. Oh the change that comes after an encounter with the very Son of God!
This year it has been about the star. “His star” (Matthew 2:2), led the wise men on their journey. They were given the guidance they needed. They were led to Jesus.
There are so many unanswered questions that come up during this journey, so much I don't always understand. That guidance is still desperately needed. But knowing that God is faithful to provide exactly what I need, when I need it, is a comfort and encouragement in the Darkness that can surround me. What I need is to get ever closer to Jesus. And with all that life brings my way…every joy, every heartbreak, He is forever guiding me closer to Him.
As we look to Him in faith, the comfort of His guidance is there. It may appear as bright as the star that led the wise men, or as subtle as a whisper in the wind. The Star* is faithful and His paths can be trusted. As we believe His Word, embrace His grace and follow on, He gives wisdom, answers the hard questions, and gives grace, patience, acceptance, peace, and comfort when the answers don't come. Whatever we need, it's in Jesus.
Take another step. Keep getting closer.
Oh God, with Your help I'll keep following the Star until You lead me home.
“A Star will rise from Jacob…” Numbers 24:17