“Let me hear joy and gladness.” Psalm 51:8
The challenges continue. I wrote in my journal this week, “He’s still parting the waters!” And God truly is still doing some amazing things, even amidst the clamor of life; Covid is still here, closures continue, educators, parents and students are exhausted and frustrated. Schedules are fluid and there is little structure and routine. All of society seems on edge.
But I don’t always see the amazing. All of society aside, some days I’m consumed with what seems like an episode of Survivor…all the distractions and demands of an ordinary day that push me to my limits physically, emotionally…and spiritually. I hear nothing but noise. The noise of a culture consumed by selfishness, lying, laziness, disrespect.
It’s often hard to return personal assaults with continued grace and patience and kindness….with love, the way Jesus loves me. But it’s what He wants. People, young and old alike, are frustrated and hurting for a variety of reasons. They’re often stressed and depressed. People need the Lord, and I may be the only way they’ll ever see their need and find His amazing love for them. I can’t let the negative noises be the loudest, tempting me to return unkindness with unkindness, or to begin to only think of myself.
Psalm 51:8 is in the heart of a chapter about David’s great remorse over his grievous sin of adultery and murder. He cries out to God for forgiveness and healing, for God’s Spirit to continue to be upon him. David met with the consequences of his sin, but he met them with that forgiveness and healing that God made available, always makes available to his children. He met the consequences with God’s promises and His unfailing love.
Perhaps my sin wasn’t as grievous as David’s, but it grieved God just the same. The consequences may vary, but sin is sin. It needs confession and forgiveness. And I’ll say it again because it is a wonderful thing…God ALWAYS makes it available.
A few days ago I was hearing anything but joy and gladness. But God met me where I was with His wisdom, His answers. That day It came from one of my wonderful sons who listened to my hurt and frustration through tears, then chuckled and said, “Mom! Don’t let their attitudes and actions change yours! Keep doing the right thing. Let God do the rest.” He was right.
Today it came directly from this passage of Scripture. “LET ME HEAR JOY AND GLADNESS!” As I asked my Father to drown out the negative noises it became clear to me that with His help I can hear joy and gladness above all the clamor. But it depends on what I’m listening to, what’s gaining my ear.
Listen to the noise of need. Sometimes it expresses itself in hurtful attacks, disrespect, selfishness, rejection, sneering, unkindness. React with kindness. React with grace. Take it to Jesus. And when you take it to heart instead of taking it to Jesus? Those times you blow it? Take that to Jesus too and find Him ready and willing to forgive and restore and move you forward by His grace.
What are you hearing?