“Praise the Lord, praise God our Savior! For each day He carries us in His arms.” Psalm 68:19
On any given day I may fail miserably and feel dejected, allowing those feelings to control me and defeat me. But knowing the Savior carries me each day gives hope. It means each day is a new chance for my daily experience to be full of joy and expectancy. It means not living in that dejection, but rising out of it and moving forward. And I don’t have to make this happen on my own. Christ does it. He carries me.
And I allow Him to. I give myself to prayer, and time in His Word. And I wait for Him to work. Even on the darkest days when I don’t have it in me to pray, I know the Spirit of God is praying for me, taking my heart cries to the Savior (Romans 8: 26-27, “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.”) I also know when I can’t even bring myself to pick up a Bible, He takes the Word that is hidden in my heart and puts it to work, making it a reality as the promises come alive in me, refreshing my soul, restoring my spirit. God does this!
Daily, He gives us what we need to live, love, forgive, overcome, wait, or whatever the situation calls for. Daily, He gives courage to face the demons of doubt and failure and move us upward and onward to a deeper state of grace. Daily, He takes the weaknesses and failures that would so easily cripple us and makes them the very things that strengthen us, and the resolve to trust Him all the more. Daily, He takes the tendencies to be self-assured and arrogant and shows me the incredible heights of humility.
This walk of faith is a life journey, but we live it a day at a time. There are bright days and bad days. Don’t let the bad days set you back or have you believing it’s over. Just remember, “each day” He carries us. Get up each morning, regardless of what yesterday held, with praise on your lips and gratitude in your heart declaring, “this is a new day!” Let the Lord be in charge and carry you where He will. You’ll be amazed where it takes you.
Keep walking, it’s a daily thing.