Christmas 2016 is now a thing of the past, and we face a new year. Over and over this Christmas season I was reminded of the Truth that the Light of Christ dispels darkness.
There is a constant battle, the darkness attempting to invade my heart, attempting to overshadow any good in this present world, often attaining the focus of attention as if "the dark side" always wins. But God's Word is the Truth that brings Light to the surface. Christ in me can shine brightly wherever I am. I am the one that chooses to hide it under a basket (Matthew 5:14-16). The Spirit of God makes sure the Light of Christ's presence is made known in this world until Christ returns (John 16).
"Their words (the prophets of Scripture ) are like a lamp shining in a dark place." 2 Peter 1:19
That lamp, the light of God's Word the Bible, illumines the dark recesses of my heart. The Light exposes the fears and doubts, the hidden resistance to His plan for me, the anger and impatience, whatever sin is lurking in the dark places. When I respond in faith, resting in His love for me and grace extended to me, the Light brings me back to that simple utter trust in a great Savior and I abandon myself to His loving care.
And I bask in that Light.
Looking forward to a new year can bring a bit of angst. So much can change so quickly. My husband and I are facing uncertainties that were not at all expected this time last year. But with the Lord lighting the way the future is bright. There is excitement as we wait to see all that He brings our way.
No need to fear "the dark side"!