I don't praise Him nearly enough. And lately I find myself just crying out to Him for one thing or another. Just in the last few weeks I have been weighed down by concerns for personal health issues; concerns for my parents and challenges they are facing because of age and health; major changes and challenges at work that bring demands both physically and emotionally; and then heartbreak over the choices of those I love, feeling rejected, used, betrayed. Being in the parent role we're in to a number of young people has its rewards, but when you love deeply, you hurt deeply. There's no getting around it. Yet God knows that. He is a loving Heavenly Father who has given greatly for our good, and His love and wisdom and help are not always accepted or appreciated by the likes of His stubborn children. So I draw even closer to Him and with His help just rest in His love for me.
But I'm not in prayer long for my own needs when my thoughts and prayers turn quickly to so many other precious people going through so much...sickness, loss, concerns over jobs and finances...hurting, burdened people. So I pray more. I know it matters. I know God hears. I trust Him, even though it's not always easy to patiently wait for Him to answer...and even harder to accept His answers when they may not be what I would want. But that is why I am who I am, and He is Who He is....very great. And I have allowed my circumstances, and even the concern I have for others, to overshadow that greatness. I see it. I know it to be true. He has saved me. He loves me in spite of myself. He has been so gracious to allow me to have experienced such a full and wonderful life. He has brought so many wonderful people across my path. I am awed by His creation...looking out over this mountain ridge this morning, seeing the fog lift and sun break through...what beauty! I close my eyes and I can almost feel an ocean breeze blowing across my face and the calming affect of the waves rolling in as I sit on a sandy beach. It blows me away every time I get to experience it, and my God created it. Yes, He is great.
O God, I praise You today. I just lift my heart in awe of Your greatness. You are still in charge, of all the intricacies of life, the workings of man, the nature of governments, Your creation. Today I want to set aside the tendency to see all the negative, and just embrace all the beauty and the glory around me, letting it recharge my soul and enlarge my hope and expectations in You. I praise You for so many answers to prayer and that You are even mindful of my needs and concerns. I praise You for giving Your powerful and alive Word to live by and trust in; I am so very grateful for our precious ever growing family. I praise you for sweet fellowship with other believers, and for the blessing of friendship, and the promise of heaven and Your return.
"Bless the Lord O my soul; O Lord my God, Thou art very great."