Sunday, March 18, 2012


I’m loving this spring and even early summer-like weather! The spring showers, the flowers, the sunshine, even spring cleaning makes me smile and sing. Jonquils are blooming everywhere. And even though they may shrivel under yet another snow, they let me know warm weather is around the corner. Seeing them takes me back to my childhood when I welcomed the sight of them in the field behind our house, hundreds of them, wild and bright, their yellow blooms blowing in the breeze. It was magnetic!

Spring is about color. It’s about life. It’s about enjoying the beauty of the moment because it may not last long. It’s about hope that spring buds will turn into summer blossoms. God is about life, hope, and beauty and I see Him in every bloom, feel Him in every breeze and in the warmth of the sunshine. Even warm spring raindrops bring a soothing to my soul. The geese are pairing up around the pond. The birds are singing and pecking away in the yard. Things just seem to be perking up everywhere.

But with all the beauty, there are still the storms. There’s nothing quite like a spring storm and the light show it brings. Yes, even the storms have their own kind of beauty.

Just yesterday we went up toward Summersville . Our first stop was an overlook by Summersville Lake. We grabbed a picnic table, pulled out the chicken wings and potato wedges and just enjoyed the view. Soon we could see dark clouds moving across the water. We finished eating, I took a couples’ picture, (the fellas thought that was “weird” because last weekend on an outing a couple asked me to take their picture by the waterfall on Kaymore Trail; one of the boys remarked about how people trust me with their phone or camera to take a picture and that maybe I should start charging!! too funny) and we headed to our next stop, a civil war battlefield, Carnifex Ferry Battlefield Park. We explored a trail, trekked across the battlefield from graves to bunkers, from farmhouse headquarters to a cannon used in reenactments; a fun and educational afternoon. By the time we were headed for the van, we felt a few sprinkles. We hadn’t gone far when it began to pour. Twenty minutes later as we exited off the highway the boys asked if we thought we’d see a rainbow…we had talked about them the night before in our devotion time. When we made the turn, there it was! A beautiful rainbow brightened the sky behind us as the clouds lifted and the rain stopped. You would have thought no one had ever seen one before! God was so kind to remind us of His goodness and the blessing of knowing Him with this beautiful display. And God sent it while it was fresh in their minds; it was one of those “I’ll remember this" moments.

Flip flops, capris, freshly mown grass…spring has sprung. Now, bring on the summer!

“The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come…”
Song of Solomon 2:12