I’m a grandmother.
I was out shopping with a couple of our “ranch” guys recently and we were in a bookstore. After a few minutes one of them came over to me and excitedly handed me his find. He smiled rather smugly when he said, “I think this is something you would like Ms. Ang!” “Oh I would, would I?” It was a very nice Bible…A Grandmother’s Bible, the cover read…in LARGE PRINT. Well, he was right, I did like it. It was beautiful. And in a few years even though I would still be able to see it I wouldn’t be able to LIFT it!!
It was a pleasant reminder though, of the fact that I am now most blessed to be a grandmother. And EVERYONE that knows me well, knows it too (somehow)!
A couple of days later when my son Dan had to take his wife Steph, to see a doctor, I drove in from work at the ranch (children’s home where my husband and I parent 10 boys ages 10 to 18) to watch the kids and pick up Jordan from school (a 16 year-old young lady living with us since November). And yes, that means Rog was left at the ranch for a bit with all “the guys”, and he didn’t mind a bit . After picking up Jordan, I decided to run by Walmart and pick up a few things to get them through the next few days while Steph was not feeling well. Once in the store, Jordan went one direction for a couple of things, and I took the four younger ones and headed in another. An elderly gentlemen (eyesight must have been bad) passed us and said, “Whoo…you have four young children, you have your hands full!” Makenzie, 7, was singing and walking along beside me on my left. Elijah, 6, was in the cart, “lovingly” poking his finger at Faith, nearly 3, trying to hold on to the cart on my right and emphatically telling him “STOP!” Little Lily, 14 months, was bouncing up and down in the seat, announcing her desire for a banana! Now, what made him think I had my hands full, I’m not sure.
“Grandchildren, actually”, I replied with a smile. My first thought was, “I’m a grandmother, thank you!”, somewhat put-out that it wasn’t obvious that I was a “Grammy”. It took me a moment to realize he had probably just unknowingly given me a compliment! I chuckled at myself.
How I do love being a grammy! Being a mom was, and still is, the greatest. All the early years of caring for, nurturing, teaching, training, correcting, molding, enjoying the joyful experience of all that a mom is, and then they give you grandchildren!
“Grandchildren are God’s gift for not killing your children!”
Josh and Christina gave me a plaque with this little quote on it one year for Christmas. It makes me laugh, and it holds a bit of truth in its humorous intent. But I’ve not been able to accurately describe just yet, especially in one quick quip, that feeling down inside when you see the sweet face, here the laughs, feel the warmth of the hugs, look into their eyes, and see something of your very own children, and a small part of you! It’s just incredible.
As much as I wanted to be all that God would have me be as a wife and mother, as a grandmother I want that as well. I want my grandchildren to see Jesus at every turn. I want them to know Him.
And as their grandparents, I know the Lord would have Roger and me provide them with love, support, guidance, wisdom and the experiences of a life commitment to Christ as we have opportunity.
“Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life; but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons.” Deuteronomy 4:9
Roger and I are so grateful for the parents God has given our grandchildren, and we give God glory for the wonderful, godly parents they all are. The fact that they are now rearing their children to know and love the Lord, using His Word as their greatest guide to parenting, is not so much a tribute to us as some have thoughtfully suggested, but more a testimony to God’s great grace and His faithfulness. He is faithful to His Word. His ways are best, and we enjoy the blessings of children that are experiencing a Christ-centered and blessed life because they have taken God at His Word for themselves. He is real and personal to them. It is what they live and believe, not just what mom and dad lived and believed. And they are intentionally and purposefully, passing this on to their own children now. Plus, our grandchildren have such a heritage, not just with us but with their other grandparents as well. We are truly blessed to have the daughter-in-laws (they’re simply daughters to us!), and the in-laws (extended family) that we have. They too, are parents that desired and determined to see their children walk in God’s ways. We enjoy the relationship of ONE LARGE FAMILY, having been received and accepted, loved and appreciated by each other. And much to the surprise of some folks, we all enjoy spending time together!! This is something else we want the grandchildren to know...they are SO LOVED by SO MANY!! Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins…the extended family is alive and well and thriving with this crew!!!
I’m a grandmother, and Rog a “Poppy”, but we are still parenting. First, our own in a different and even more privileged way if that’s possible, now that they are adults. The role is different, the approach and responsibility is different, but it is still parenting, and a great joy. Then, there are others that God brings into our lives, either through our job here at New River Ranch, or through the church, and even those He would still have us open our home to. Every child that comes into this world is a gift from God and to be cherished and taught. “Children are a gift from the Lord” (Psalms 127:3). If The Creator gave them life, no matter the circumstances, He has a plan waiting to be discovered. It is His desire for them to know and love Him. If we can be used in some way to see that desire become a reality, then we are grateful and trust Him to enable and empower us to do it.
I’m a rather excitable, passionate person. I get excited about the things I love! So it stands to reason that I’d be a doting, sometimes rather dramatic grandmother. Pictures on my phone, pictures on my fridge, coloring book pages, and just coloring, on my walls; handwritten notes, cards, tiny tokens of love all around the house that I treasure; they represent relationships. Life is about relationships.
And the icing on the cake??? Did I mention I am a grandmother? Twelve beautiful, unique persons call us Grammy and Poppy, and we look forward excitedly to the arrival of two more this summer! And it’s a delight to be affectionately called Mom and/or Grammy, and Aunt Angie and Uncle Roger I might add, by a number of others who are not of our own flesh and blood, but definitely family to us in the ways that matter most.
I’m a grandmother!