What a day it has been. Just one 24-hour day?? First not wanting to talk to a soul, then wanting to share everything with anyone that would listen. The highs and lows have been just that; first joy then a heavy heart. It has been a while since I've fought a spiritual battle this intense. And that is what it has been, a spiritual battle. Each time I would sense the onslaught, I would go to the Scripture, spend time earnestly praying...and each time within hours, God impressed someone to contact me with the exact same message He had for me in His Word and in prayer. It reassured me of His presence; it encouraged me to be strong; it made me laugh out loud!
I posted on fb this morning:
I looked out over the pond, and then across those beautiful hills. There was a frost on the ground and the color was fading...but the sky was as blue as could be!And so clearly the thought came..."this joy that I have, the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away".
The Lord knew the many concerns of my heart in recent days.
Another post later:
so, no sooner had I meditated on the joy that the world can't take away...Satan must have determined, "but I can sure make you try to give it up!"
I then went on to comment on the old saying..."and that's when all Hades broke loose!" I experienced a direct hit on my joy bucket!!
One of my sons had been talking to me earlier this week about that very thing...how so many believers are robbed of their joy, and they are rendered useless. If there is one thing I don't want to be, it's useless; all the "D" words...defeated, discouraged, distraught, damaged, disillusioned...I'm sure there are more, but "good grief" (thanks, Peanuts! love 'em) that's enough!
Life is full; life is good; life is meaningful...and too short to sit and sour over any and everything! I know...crazy. at least by the standard of those that don't operate within this realm. It's hard to explain. Maybe I shouldn't be sharing it at all. It's just been a day I will remember for a while. So intense, so....good. Only because I know I've been stretched. And, even when there will likely be hell's fury to face on yet another day, I woke up with joy, and praise God I'm going to bed with joy.
"...the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Neh 8:10)