"And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God... Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any, that your Father which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses." Mark 11: 22, 24-25.
Unforgiveness weakens and often destroys the opportunity to pray and believe God for what we ask. Earlier in this chapter we see Jesus curse a fig tree because it was not bearing fruit. Then later that same day when walking again past the same tree, Peter is amazed to see that the tree Jesus cursed had withered. What did Peter expect?
Jesus goes on to explain to Peter that faith in God can be mountain-moving! Jesus says "if you ask not doubting in your heart, but believing that those things you pray for will come to pass, you'll have them." But then He says, " when you stand praying, forgive...". Jesus makes a direct connection between unanswered prayer and unforgiveness.
If God can move mountains because we pray exercising faith in Him, certainly He can enable us to forgive. But it's not usually about our ability to forgive, it's about our willingness to do so.
Forgiveness for many seems to be too much to ask. I've often had young people and adults alike respond to the encouragement to forgive; "you don't understand, you don't know what they've done to me! You don't know what they've put me through!" And my heart aches, because I see their pain and know their hurt is real and deep. Forgiveness seems impossible, and just too hard.
But when is the last time you saw a mountain moved into the sea? Yes forgiveness is hard, very hard. But it is possible, and it is very necessary.
1. It's possible because we have the power of God through mountain-moving faith, the promise of His Word, and the Spirit of God to enable and strengthen us. In other words, we don't go it alone!
2. It's necessary, for our own forgiveness. "What do I need to be forgiven for?" you may ask. "I'm the one that has been wronged here." Perhaps the unwillingness to forgive.
Even if the power of forgiveness never reaches the one you are forgiving (which it will often do), when you forgive you are freed from the weight that unforgiveness becomes. You are freed to receive the blessings God has for those who obey Him. You are freed to grow in your relationship with Christ, not having your fellowship broken because of disobedience and an unwillingness to take Him at His word. You may not be able to see at the onset how you could possibly do as He asks. This is where faith takes hold as you simply obey.
Remember the fig tree? When Jesus said that no one would eat its fruit from that point on, it withered. Don't allow unforgiveness to cause your faith in God to wither and die. As difficult as it may be, forgive, and keep your faith growing and thriving. After all, there may be a mountain or two you may need to see God move for you later on down the road.